We are pleased to announce that we have reintroduced Welsummers onto the farm for 2012.
This Dutch breed, named after the village of Welsum, was imported into Britain in 1928. Selectively bred from the Cochin, Wyandotte, Leghorn, Barnvelder and Rhode Island Red, this attractive bird has become a firm favourite across the UK. It lays a distinctive large flecked brown egg.
Tough and resilient, these birds make good free rangers, but will also thrive with some containment. They are industrious and make the most of the daylight hours. As a breed they are not a particularly broody and Welsummers are best hatched in incubators; which is how we do it.
Even if you don't immediately recognise Welsummer hens, the cockerels always seem familiar - legend has it that they were used as the Kellogs cockerel.